We really mean it when we set these goals, so why is it so difficult to keep it going and achieve the changes we want?
It's because of the power of NOW.
Of course, this is a positive power - when you understand the value of the NOW, understand that it is the only time we are actually alive - living, breathing. Only then do you know that it is the only time you can take any action!
We can learn from the past but can take no action in it. We plan for the future but cannot yet take any action in it. It is only NOW that we can take any action.
However, there is also a negative power that the NOW has; the power that any negative action you may be taking is in the NOW!
The FUTURE doesn't exist yet - it's weak, unclear and we can't always see it easily. Yet the NOW is right here, strong and literally in your face - any negative thoughts or action you have NOW will be just as strong.
The FUTURE that you might really want is happy, healthy and wealthy however the NOW might be unhappy, unhealthy and in debt... and that NOW is strong! Like some cartoon muscle man character that is kicking sand in the face of your feeble FUTURE.
The fact is that any behaviour that you want to change has probably been around a while, it's grown strong and is an integral part of who you are right NOW.
You wouldn't expect the wimp to get up of the beach and beat up the muscle man - it just isn't going to happen, but what if the wimp went away and started to get stronger until it was strong enough to fight back and actually win - so the new behaviour becomes the strong, becomes the NOW.
That's how to get the changes you want - don't expect to beat the strong NOW without building up your FUTURE'S strength in small ways, with small changes over a period of time. Until your FUTURE is strong enough to take on the old NOW and become the new NOW!
Start making small changes...
Choose just one thing this week that you can do that would make you happier,
remember I'm talking small changes regularly - not a holiday to Barbados! That would make you happy for a few weeks until the powerful NOW kicks back in.
Then choose another small change that would make you healthier (one less sugar in a coffee would do it). And finally, one that will make you wealthier (putting some spare change in a piggy bank), it's called saving - the first step to getting wealthier!
So one small change this week to be happier, healthier and wealthier! That's it - simple.
Now do it again next week, and then the next... and you guessed it, the next.
Do it all year and you will have made 50 changes to be happier, healthier and wealthier.
Now that will be a great year!!
Have fun,
Alan x